Web Development

Innovation never ends

Web Development Course in Lahore, Pakistan

  • Course Duration:  2 Months
  • Days: 3 days a week
  • Hours: 1.5
  • Status: Online & On-Campus
  • WhatsApp: 0302 895 7000
  • Website: www.kakti.pk
  • Address: 116-P, MM Alam Road, Mini Market, Gulberg II, Lahore
  • Google Map: Khurshid Akhtar Khan Training Institute

Course Outline


Web Development Course Content


Creation of website, designing of website using HTML, JAVA Script, CSS, React.js,Node.js,State Management, React Admin Dashboard, React/Node End to End E-Commerce Application & others.


  • History & Anatomy of Internet / World Wide Web (WWW)
  • Web Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Edge
  • HTML5 (Structure), CSS3 (Makeup), JavaScript (Behavior)
  • Chrome Developer Tools & Extensions
  • Visual Studio Code IDE & Extensions

Module 1

HTML 5 (Structure / Markup)

  • HTML 5 Basic Structure
  • HTML 5 Elements / Tags
  • HTML 5 Semantic Elements
  • Block Level Elements & Inline Elements
  • HTML 5 Document
  • HTML DOM (Document Object Model) Browser BOM (Browser Object Model)
  • HTML 5 APIs
  • Geolocation, Drag/Drop, Web Storage, Web Workers, SSE(Server-Sent Events), Canvas 2D, SVG, WebRTC, Web
  • Sockets, Speech,
  • XMLHttpRequest, Offline, History, File, Audio/Video
  • HTML 5 Forms

Module 2

CSS 3 (Makeup)

  • Inline CSS, Internal CSS & External CSS
  • Cascade Rules
  • Selectors (global, element, id, class, pseudo classes, pattern selectors)
  • Typography Font Pairing, 12/16/24 Column Grid and Baseline Grid
  • Measurement Units fixed and relative
  • CSS3 Box-Model: Padding, Margin, Border, Background, Content
  • CSS 3 Layout Techniques display: block, inline, inline-block, grid, flex
  • CSS 3 Positioning position: static, relative, fixed, absolute, sticky, floats, overflow
  • CSS 3 image sprites, shadows, gradients, rounded corners, text effects, web fonts
  • CSS3 Media Queries in Detail & Creating fully Responsive Web Pages
  • CSS3 2D 3D Transformation, Transitions, Animations
  • CSS Preprocessors: SASS, LESS

Module 3

JavaScript (Behavior)

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Setup Development Environment
  • Basics (variables, constants, primitive types, objects, arrays, functions, function types)
  • Operators (arithmetic, assignment, comparison, equality, ternary, logical, bitwise, operator precedence)
  • Control Structure (if/else, switch/case, for for-in for-of while do-while loops, break/continue)
  • Truthy and Falsy Concept
  • Document Object Model (DOM), Browser Object Model (BOM)
  • JavaScript Execution Environment
  • Browser vs NodeJS
  • Advanced JavaScript Concepts (Execution Context, Closures, Hoisting)

Module 4

React.js – Advanced JavaScript Framework

  • Introduction to Advanced JavaScript Framework
  • React vs Angular vs Vue
  • React vs JavaScript
  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Component Based Development
  • Hooks useState, useEffect
  • Class Components vs Functional Components

Module 5

State Management

  • Introduction Redux
  • Component Level State vs Application Level State
  • Implement Redux Architecture

Module 6

Node.js – Server Side JavaScript

  • Introduction Node
  • Google V8 Engine
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB and
  • Mongoose ORM

Project 1

HTML 5 Template PSD to HTML

  • Introduction
  • Website Structure
  • Prepare Workspace & Header Markup
  • Main Banner & Light BG Feature List
  • Dark BG Feature List
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery & Footer Slice images from PSD
  • Logo, Textures, Misc. Images
  • Creating Sprites Image
  • Style with CSS
  • Reset CSS, Bootstrap Grid, Less Variables and Mixins
  • General Styling and Google Fonts
  • Top Header and Button Styling
  • Styling the Icons + CSS Sprites
  • Main Banner Styling and Single Field Form
  • Styling the Blockquote in the Main Banner
  • Light Background Feature Section
  • Dark Background Feature Section
  • Customers Section
  • Styling Footer
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • Using jQuery To Power The Gallery
  • Finishing
  • Styling The Gallery
  • Making Retina-Ready Images
  • FOUT Eliminate (Flash of Unstyled Text)
  • Responsive Layout (Bootstrap Grid and Media Queries)
  • Cross-Browser Testing

Project 2

React Admin Dashboard

Project 3

React / Node End-to-End E-Commerce Application

  • Home Screen, Product Screen
  • Shopping Cart
  • Authentication & Role-Based Authorization
  • Checkout Wizard
  • PayPal Integration
  • User Profile and Orders
  • Admin Products
  • Admin Orders
  • Admin Users
  • Multi-Vendor Capability
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Rating and Review
  • Pagination
  • Upload Products on Amazon Cloud AWS S3
  • Sales Dashboard with Charts and Graphs
  • Help Desk System Live Chatting with Customers
  • Real-Time Application Development using Socket.IO
  • Live Location Tracking
  • Unified Communication using WebRTC and Socket.IO

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